MVR G1 User Manual (Quick)
Please insert memory card onto your PC. And, open dedicated PC viewer.
Select right time zone and time at system section in setting. Please save it when you close viewer.
Once all that is done, please insert your memory card back to camera and start it again.
The setting is done in few second as your configuration.
It is different system depends on the manufacture.
Samsung : My file → Internal storage → DCIM → GNET
LG : File management → All files (or Internal storage → DCIM → GNET
I-phone : Camera roll
If you can not find the files, Search for “DCIM” folder on your smartphone
* Black cable : Ground
* Red cable : ACC (Power source on when key ignition is in accessories or ON position.)
* Yellow cable : VCC (Continued power source.)
1. Continued recording. even if turn off ignition.
Black cable(Ground): It should connect to ground in car
Yellow cable(VCC) : It should connect continued power supply of fuse in fuse box
(ex : Emergency light, Hazardous light, Door lock)
Red cable (ACC) : It should connect to power supply of fuse which is operated.
when turn on ignition (ex : cigar light fuse etc)
2. If you don’t want to use continued recording of dash cam. when turn off ignition
Black cable(Ground): It should connect to ground in car
Twist Yellow cable(VCC) with Red cable(ACC) as below a picture.
Twisted cable should connect to power supply of fuse which is operated. when turn on ignition (ex : cigar light fuse etc)
– If the voice recording function is released by dedicated viewer by user, voice recording does not work.
Or if user press mode button shortly via LCD panel, user may turn voice recording on/off.
Sometime, user mistakenly press mode button via dash cam, voice recording is off even though, this set is
on through PC viewer. So, please make it on via dash cam as pressing mode button shortly if you need voice recording.
– [Using Cigar jack cable]
A. Please make sure if cigar jack cable is correctly working or not.
B. Confirm that power socket of cigar cable is correctly connected.
C. Please check cigar jack is correctly placed on AC terminal.
D. If dash cam doesn’t work after firmware update, it is caused by update failure which case need to be sent to customer service center.
– [Using Fuse cable]
A. If input voltage goes down below LBP(lower battery protection) value setting, dash cam interrupt power itself to protect car’s battery.
B. Please check dash cam operation after turn on car and charge car battery.
Dash cam is recording any sound in car by amplifying sound for clear recording. Even if there is no sound
around camera, low noise may be recorded in recording sound. Please be aware that it is normally working.
If you can not recognize sound for recording due to noise, you need to contact seller and manufacture shortly.
Users who are using dash cam with constant power cable often trouble with this kind of issue.
This problem is considered that dash cam take over voltage from car battery.
Especially in winter season, there is more chance for discharge as frequently using heater, extended usage
time of head lamp, fog light and navigation.